16 Dangers of Nicotine in the Body, Can Cause Erectile Disfunction!

The danger of nicotine greatly influences and changes brain function in the body. Nicotine makes the smoker feel relaxed and then feel more energetic and excited, or vice versa. This nicotine effect is commonly known as the biphase effect. The danger is, the more often someone smokes, the more they feel addicted and also the dose that will be used.

Nicotine will enter the body through the lungs and alveoli in active smokers and passive smokers. Alveoli is part of the lungs, where oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the breathing process. When cigarette smoke is inhaled into the lungs, nicotine moves through the alveoli into the bloodstream, and in 15 seconds, is transported throughout the body and brain.

Dangers of Nicotine in the Body
Inhaled cigarette smoke also has a negative effect on the body: Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke has the potential to damage the lungs and arterial walls, thereby increasing the potential for heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. Smoking also changes skin, teeth, and hair to look older. Smoking also affects everything from fertility, heart strength, to your bones.

Here are the complete dangers of nicotine which can interfere with the health of the body:

1. Causes uneven skin tone
The danger of nicotine cigarettes can chronically reduce skin oxygen and its nutrients. Some smokers look pale, while others develop uneven skin tone. This change began at a young age, according to dermatologist Jonette Keri, MD, from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. In young people who do not smoke, usually uneven skin color is not seen, but this develops faster in people who smoke.

2. Sagging skin
There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, and the danger of nicotine triggers the destruction of collagen and elastin. This is a fiber that makes your skin strong and elastic. Active smokers or even passive smokers can reduce "skin building blocks." The consequences include causing sagging skin and deeper skin wrinkles.

3. Her arms and breasts are loose
Smoking not only damages the appearance of the face, but can also affect other parts of the body. When the skin loses its elasticity, the parts that were once tight may begin to relax. This includes the inner arm and breast. Researchers have identified smoking as the main cause of sagging breasts.

4. Wrinkled lips
The effects of nicotine from smoking can slowly affect around your mouth. First, it causes lip wrinkles. Smokers use certain muscles around the lips which cause dynamic wrinkles. Second, the skin loses its elasticity. Together, these factors can cause deep lines around the lips.

5. Skin spots
Age spots are darker patches of skin that are common on the face and hands. While some people can develop these spots because they are exposed too often to sunlight, research shows that smokers are more vulnerable.

6. The teeth and gums are damaged
Yellow teeth are one of the most frequent effects of nicotine from long-term smoking, but tooth decay doesn't stop there. People who smoke tend to develop gum disease, persistent shortness of breath, and other oral hygiene problems. Smokers are twice as likely to experience toothless teeth.

7. Stained fingers
If you already smoke, pay attention to the nails and skin of your hands. The nicotine effect of cigarettes can stain the skin, nails, and teeth. The good news is that these stains tend to fade when you stop smoking.

8. Hair loss
Both men and women tend to develop thinner hair or fall with age, and smoking can accelerate hair loss. Some studies even show that people who smoke are more likely to experience baldness. Researchers in Taiwan have identified smoking as a clear risk factor for baldness in Asian men.

9. Cataracts
Even the eyes are vulnerable to nicotine. Smoking makes you more likely to develop cataracts as you age. The eye becomes an area that is often exposed to cigarette smoke which often attacks light entering the retina. If cigarette smoke causes serious vision problems, medical treatment is surgery.

10. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic condition that most often causes thick and scaly patches on the skin, this condition usually occurs in the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet or back. Spots may be white, red, or silver. Recent studies show that the danger of nicotine from cigarettes has a greater risk of developing psoriasis.

11. The skin of the eye area is wrinkled
Everyone will have wrinkles on the outside of the eye as they age, but these wrinkles develop earlier and deeper in smokers. The heat from cigarettes and squinting to expel cigarette smoke from the eyes will cause the skin in the eyes to wrinkle. Meanwhile, chemicals from the effects of nicotine cause internal damage to the structure of the skin and blood vessels around the eyes.

12. Brittle bones
Everyone knows the lungs are damaged by the nicotine effect of smoking, but research shows surprising ways that tobacco affects other limbs, namely your bones. Smoking turns out to increase the risk of developing weak bones or osteoporosis. This condition increases the risk of fractures including the spine, which causes it to bend and make you bend.

12. Heart disease and erectile dysfunction (ED)
The effects of nicotine affect almost every organ in the body, including the heart. In people who smoke, arteries that carry blood to the heart become narrowed over time.

Smoking also increases blood pressure and makes it easier for the blood to clot. These factors increase the chance of having a heart attack. In men who smoke, a decrease in blood flow can cause impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).

13. Reproductive problems
Women who smoke can cause difficulty getting pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. Cigarettes related to fertility problems. The effects of nicotine from smoking during pregnancy also increase the likelihood of having a miscarriage, premature birth, or giving birth to a baby with a low birth weight.

14. Speed ​​up menopause
This is the similarity that all women feel: menopause, the phase when a woman's hormones decrease and the menstrual cycle stops forever. Most women experience this change around the age of 50 years. But the dangers of nicotine from smoking can cause menopause earlier on average 1 1/2 years, than women who don't smoke. The effect is most powerful in women who have been smoking for years.

15. Oral cancer
Compared to passive smoking, people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco products are more likely to develop oral cancer. Smokers who are also heavy drinkers are 15 times more likely to develop this cancer. The most common symptoms are inflammation that aches on the tongue, lips, gums, or other areas of the mouth that don't heal and may hurt. The easiest solution to avoid the danger of nicotine is to stop smoking, this can substantially reduce the risk of oral cancer in a few years.

16. Lung cancer
Lung cancer is the main male and female cancer killer. Those who died of the disease, 9 out of 10 deaths were caused by smoking. The danger of nicotine from cigarettes can also damage the lungs in other ways, making people more susceptible to respiratory problems and dangerous infections such as pneumonia.

Dangers of Nicotine in the Brain
Besides affecting body health, the danger of nicotine also causes damage to the brain. The brain consists of millions of neurons or cells that transmit information throughout the nervous system.

Between two neurons there are synapses, where information is transmitted. Neurons release chemicals called neurotransmitters that bind cells to other neurons to form a braid.

In the brain, the effect of nicotine binds itself to a subset of neurons that usually bind neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This ultimately prevents neurons from transmitting messages related to muscle movements and energy levels.

When nicotine blocks the receptor, the body releases more acetylcholine in an effort to find neuronal synapses.

Excess acetylcholine makes the brain release another neurotransmitter called dopamine which controls the center of pleasure or comfort in the brain. Increased levels of acetylcholine make people feel more alert, while an increase in dopamine makes a person feel relaxed.

High levels of acetylcholine and dopamine are signals for the brain to release endorphins and glutamate. Endorphins produce a feeling of pleasure or relaxation while glutamate records this relaxed sensation, thereby encouraging further use, which causes addiction to the danger of nicotine.

It turns out this is how tea is healthy for our blood vessels

Do you like to drink tea? One drink that has a delicious taste is indeed favored by many people. Fortunately, tea is also included in drinks that can provide a lot of positive effects on the health of the body. For example, tea is widely known to be able to nourish arteries. How do you do this drink?

Health experts say that tea can affect the endothelium, a layer that is in arteries that can affect the risk of various dangerous diseases such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and so on. The problem is, the endothelium will only function optimally until we are 30 years old. After that, the regeneration process will continue to decline and even worse if we pass 50 years. This will increase the risk of various dangerous diseases.

In a study conducted in China, it was stated that the habit of consuming pure green tea, not those that have been mixed with other ingredients such as sugar or milk, would significantly improve this endothelium function. In fact, this effect can be obtained half an hour after consuming tea. This effect is estimated to be from the flavonoids contained in tea leaves.

Another study conducted in the United Kingdom said that if we mix tea with other ingredients such as milk, we will not be able to get the health benefits of this tea even though both of these drinks are good for health. In fact, the risk for coronary heart disease can increase significantly.

Seeing this fact, consume tea frequently, especially green tea to make the blood vessels and heart become healthier. Only, make sure not to mix with other ingredients in order to get their health benefits.

Natural Remedies for Epilepsy Attacks

Do you have a friend who likes convulsions or momentarily dazed? caution and caution can always be frightening, Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system of the human brain due to excessive activity of a group of neuron cells in the brain causing various reactions in the human body ranging from momentary dumbfires, tingling, impaired consciousness, convulsions and / or muscle contractions. Epilepsy or what we often call ayan or sawan is not caused or triggered by bacteria or viruses and epilepsy symptoms can be muted with the help of people around the sufferer.

Epilepsy is a disease that can occur to anyone even though no one has ever experienced epilepsy from the bloodline, epilepsy cannot spread to other people because it is only a brain disorder that is not triggered by a viral and bacterial germ.

Here are the natural epilepsy drugs:

Peruvian Paprika or Peruvian Pepper (False Pepper)
Peruvian paprika is an herb that grows as a vine or vines, the leaves of this plant are very helpful for treating nerve-related problems such as epilepsy. Maybe you can try planting it to prevent epilepsy attacks naturally.

Flower Passionflower
Passionflower is part of herbal medicines intended to treat epilepsy in the past. This flower has a calming effect on your mind, therefore, this flower must be combined with other soothing herbs that have a major effect on epilepsy.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the main triggers of epilepsy. That's why consuming foods that are rich in magnesium is one of the best natural remedies in dealing with seizures. For example, like dark green leafy vegetables.
Valerian is one of the best herbal medicines that can be used to control epilepsy. This is a sedative herb that has an anti-seizure effect on the body, and is one of the best solutions to overcome seizures

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Naturally

One of the problems commonly encountered by a woman is the vagina that emits an unpleasant aroma. This makes many women wonder how to get rid of odor in the vagina.

Keep in mind, odor in the vagina sometimes still appears even though it has often been cleaned. Usually the smelly vagina is caused by a combination of vaginal secretions, apocrine, accrine sweat, and external factors such as urine or feces.

How to remove odors in the vagina is appropriate to know, given the cleanliness and condition of a healthy and fragrant vagina also determines satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

At present, many special soap products for women can be used as a way to eliminate odors in miss v. However, you should also know first why the vagina can smell unpleasant before determining how to get rid of vaginal odor.

First, the vagina can smell strong because of consumption of certain foods. Consumption of foods with a pungent odor such as garlic can make urine excretion to smell and it will cause some further effects, namely the vagina becomes smelly.

In addition, the pungent odor in the vagina can also be caused by infection or venereal disease such as excessive vaginal discharge. In fact, underwear material that does not absorb sweat well and the use of excessive cleansing soap can also trigger the appearance of odors in the vagina.

List of Ways to Get Rid of Stinging Vaginal Smell
Although the risk of vaginal odor can be experienced by every woman, from now on you do not worry too much, because there are many ways to eliminate natural vaginal odor that can be done easily.

Here are some ways to get rid of miss v which you should know, including:

1. Eliminating the smell of Miss V with basil leaves
The first way to get rid of odor in the vagina is to use basil leaves. Basil leaves contain euganol which can kill germs and fungi that cause odor in the vagina.

In addition, the content of essential oils in basil is also able to scent the vagina. However, you should not use basil leaves like soap which is immediately rinsed in the vagina because it can make the vagina dry.

In order to get optimal results, basil leaves can be eaten directly or processed into drinks. As a treatment, the water from the collision of basil leaves can be consumed every day. After seeing positive results, you can consume basil juice every two weeks.

How to get rid of vaginal odor by using basil can be a powerful way for Miss V to be fragrant. However, basil is not recommended for gout sufferers because it can worsen the disease.

2. Overcoming Smelly Vagina using betel leaves
The second way to get rid of odor in the vagina is to use betel leaves. Betel leaf also contains euganol and antiseptics which are useful for disinfecting the cause of a pungent odor in the vagina. Processing betel leaves as an alternative way to overcome miss v odor is also very easy.

You only boil 5-10 betel leaves in 350 cc of water and leave it to half. Then rinse the vagina with boiled betel leaf water that is cold every morning and before going to bed.

Do how to remove vaginal odor with betel leaves 3 times a week to get a fragrant and rough vagina. Apart from being able to bring a positive effect, this method of eliminating odors from miss v also does not take as much cost as if you do special treatment for the vagina with certain drugs or ingredients.

How to get rid of vaginal odor with betel leaves has been known for generations. Betel leaf is also widely used as an active ingredient for vaginal cleansing soap, because using betel leaves can prove to be a powerful way to eliminate bad odors on miss v.

It's just that, usually vaginal cleansing soap is also mixed with other fragrances such as the scent of flowers so that this soap can be an alternative way of eliminating odors on miss v which is more effective and fast.

Pandan leaves
The next way to eliminate vaginal odor is to use pandan leaves. You may have seen or used a lot of pandan leaves as an ingredient giving flavor and aroma to the cuisine. However, who would have thought that pandan leaves also keep hidden properties.

The use of pandan leaves can be a way of removing odors in the vagina. Pandan leaves also contain euganol and essential oils which can make the vagina more fragrant.

However, how to get rid of odor in the vagina with pandan leaves not by boiling and then used to wash the vagina, but processed into a drink.

The trick, take 10 pieces of pandan leaves that have been washed and stacked until smooth. Strain the smooth leaves to take the juice. Mix a little salt and one teaspoon of honey to make it more delicious. Drink pandanus juice every day before going to bed for two weeks. After obtaining the appropriate results, it is enough to consume 2-3 times a week.

Aloe vera
Who would have thought that using aloe vera could also be a powerful way to get rid of vaginal odor? How to get rid of the smell of miss v by using aloe vera is quite easy, but you still have to pay attention to the procedure.

The use of aloe vera to scent the vagina should not be immediately rinsed into the intimate organs because it can dry the vagina. Aloe vera should be processed into drinks.

How, mash the aloe vera that has been washed until smooth. Add a little honey to make it more delicious to drink. Drink every day for 2 weeks before going to bed. If you have the desired results, you can drink 2-3 times a week.

Well, that's a variety of ways to get rid of natural vaginal odor that you can do. Good luck.

Do Men Have Fertility Like Women?

During this time we only know that the fertile period is only owned by women. When a woman's fertile period has sex with her partner, the chances of getting a pregnancy are very large. This can happen because when the fertile period of a woman's body releases the egg to the uterine wall so that it is easily fertilized by sperm.

Well, besides women, men also have a fertile period. However, the fertile period of men is slightly different from women and is influenced by many aspects, along with the reviews.

When does a man's fertile period come?
The fertile period of men runs every time starting from they experience puberty during adolescence to old age. In contrast to women who are fertile for only a few days, the fertile period of men every day until the body is unable to produce good quality sperm and is able to fertilize the egg.

So, a man's fertile period occurs at any time, but must have several criteria. First, the volume of semen containing sperm cells must be large. At least in one ejaculation there are more than 15 million sperm cells per milliliter.

Furthermore, the movement of sperm must also be agile so that it is easy to reach the egg and fertilize it. Finally, sperm also has a normal structure from head to tail. If the sperm has an abnormality, fertilization cannot run smoothly.

Which affects the fertile period of men
Which affects the fertile period of men there are also many, following the list.

Lifestyle. Men with healthy lifestyles will have a longer fertile period than those whose lives are not healthy.
Men's age also affects sperm production and quality.
Temperature and radiation. In order for the testicles to stay healthy and be able to produce sufficient amounts of sperm, the temperature inside the panties must be 1-2 degrees cooler than body temperature. Furthermore, if the testicles are exposed to chemicals, the possibility of abnormal sperm being large enough.
Sexually transmitted disease. Men who are healthy and PMS-free tend to have better sperm.

What Is Ovulation? - Characteristics, Cycles, Ways to Increase Pregnancy Opportunities

Ovulation is the process of releasing mature eggs from the uterus to then walk towards the fallopian tube to be fertilized. For those of you who are planning a pregnancy, it is important to know when this ovulation or fertile period. Well, until you know here what is ovulation or the meaning of ovulation? Read more about the following ovulations.

When Does Ovulation Occur?
On average in each menstrual cycle, one or more eggs will grow and mature. This process usually occurs 16 days after the first day of the menstrual cycle or 14 days before the next menstruation.

A woman is said to be experiencing ovulation if she releases a mature egg to be fertilized by sperm. The woman's ovulation period only lasts 24-48 hours, while the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg is estimated to be around 48-72 hours.

Actually what is meant by ovulation? Understanding ovulation is the best ability of the egg to be fertilized by sperm during the first hours after release, and vice versa.

If you want pregnancy, the best time to have sex is 1-2 days before ovulation and at the time of ovulation. That way, the sperm will be released into the vagina and walk towards the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg at the right time.

This period is the best moment for conception to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.

Ovulation is the event of the release of a hormone from the brain called Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone level increases dramatically in the blood and urine just before ovulation.

LH triggers the release of a mature egg from the ovary which then moves towards the fallopian tube to be fertilized. If the egg is not fertilized, the egg cell will die and decay together with the uterine wall at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Also read: 5 Best Vitamins to Increase Male and Female Fertility
Characteristics of Ovulation You Need to Know
Although the signs of ovulation in each woman can vary, you can also find out when you experience ovulation by recognizing several ovulation traits including:

1. Leucorrhoea appears
This vaginal discharge is cervical mucus which can be a sign that you are in a fertile period. After your menstruation is complete, the mucus in your cervix will slowly increase and the texture will change.

Towards and at ovulation, mucus becomes more fluid, making it easier for sperm to enter the fallopian tube to meet the egg. So the most fertile time for you is when the mucus starts to look rather clear like the white part of a raw egg.

2. Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is one of the characteristics of ovulation. Some women claim that they feel pain in the ovary, the lower abdomen during ovulation. The pain can also appear on one part of the back at ovulation.

3. More passionate
At the time of ovulation, women are often more passionate about sexual intercourse. In addition, at this time you will also look more attractive, even your body will naturally emit a different fragrance without you knowing it.

How to Check Cervical Mucus
You can try to check the cervical mucus at home. The method is straightforward easy. Here's how to check cervical mucus or cervical mucus:

1. Wash hands first
The first thing to do is wash your hands clean and dry your hands.

2. Body position
Look for a comfortable position, either by sitting on the toilet, squatting, or standing and placing one foot on the edge of the tub or toilet seat.

3. Use fingers
Reach one finger in your vagina; Your index or middle finger is probably the best. (Be careful not to scratch yourself). Depending on how much cervical mucus is produced, you may not need to reach this far, but getting a sample near the cervix is ​​ideal.

4. Observe the consistency of cervical mucus
Remove the finger from the vagina and observe the consistency of any mucus found.
Do this by looking at the mucus and rotating what you find between the two fingers (usually the thumb and index finger). Try pressing the fingers and then slowly separating them.

If what is found seems sticky, or the findings are few, you may not ovulate.
If what is found is mucus like a cream, ovulation may come, but it's not yet time.
If what you find is wet, runny, and slightly sticky, ovulation is very likely to be close. Find time to have sex.
If what you find is very wet, stretches between your fingers for one inch or more, and resembles raw egg white, your cervical mucus is very fertile. Ovulation is right around the corner, and now is the ideal time for sexual intercourse.
5. Graph the cervical mucus
If you map your basal body temperature, you should mark the chart of your cervical mucus findings. Abbreviations that you can use are:

L for stickiness
K for mucus like cream
B for wet
LB (or LBPT) for egg white mucus.

Pay attention to the Menstrual Cycle
In general, some women think that ovulation is on day 14, even though ovulation in each woman can vary depending on the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle for each woman is different and normally ranges from 25-30 days with an average cycle of 28 days.

Day 14 might be the day you ovulate if your menstrual cycle is 28 days.

This menstrual cycle can change. Changes in the menstrual cycle occur due to various kinds of things ranging from increase or decrease in weight, stress, poor quality of sleep or exercise that is undertaken.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you can do a calendar calculation to find out when ovulation occurs. The trick is to count backwards.

Estimate when the first day your menstruation will occur. Then count down 12 days and subtract 4 again. You have the possibility of ovulating for a range of five days from that day.

How to Increase Pregnancy Opportunities?
Try having sex every two to three days. So sperm with good motility will be in the right place whenever you ovulate. Connecting regularly throughout your cycle increases your chances of getting pregnant.

Having sex when the cervical mucus is wet, slippery, and most receptive to sperm will also increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Usually in couples are fertile, between 20 percent and 25 percent are likely to get pregnant. So it takes an average of three months to six months to get pregnant, if you have sex two to three times per week during the fertile period.

More than eight out of ten women under the age of 40 who have regular sex without using contraception will get pregnant within one year. Of women who are not pregnant after one year, half will get pregnant within two years.

Well, now you know what ovulation is, right, Healthy Friend?

Watch out, Like to Lose on the Toilet for a Long Time Not Good for Health

Some people choose to use toilet seats instead of squat toilets that are considered healthier by health experts. Indeed, by using a toilet seat, we will not be easily exhausted given the position of our bowel movements tend to be more relaxed when compared to using a squat toilet that can make our feet become tingling or stiff. Unfortunately, the use of toilet seats has caused many people to be complacent, so that they will be able to linger by reading newspapers or even playing with gadgets while defecating. This turned out to be very bad for health.

Health experts say that the use of toilet seats is very different compared to squat toilets. In squat toilets, we will tend to flush the toilet immediately if there is already dirt released. Unlike the squat toilet, many people are waiting for this dirt to pile up and we just press the flush button to water it. Indeed, there are people who immediately press the flush button as soon as there is dirt coming out, however, often the power of weakened water on the next flush will make the dirt not be flushed perfectly.

Health experts say that if we linger on the toilet seat, there will be lots of bacteria in the dirt that accumulates. If we linger on the toilet because of playing gadgets, imagine how many germs that come from this dirt finally stick to the gadget we carry everywhere. Not only that, sitting for long periods of time during bowel movements can trigger stress in the anal area which ultimately makes us more susceptible to hemorrhoids, a condition in which the blood vessels around the anus swell or become inflamed and can cause problems with bowel movements. By lingering during bowel movements, we can also cause constipation which of course must be overcome by increasing fiber intake.

Lemon Tea Turns Out To Be A Great Benefit For Our Facial Beauty

Lemon tea is often considered a drink that will be very enjoyable for consumption, especially at night after we spend a very busy time in the world of work. Lemon tea will make our mind more calm so that we will be free from stress so we can sleep soundly. However, do you know if lemon tea will also be very good for our facial beauty? We can use lemon tea as a treatment ingredient that is effective in maintaining the health and beauty of our faces.

Acne free
Did you know that lemon tea can be used as a face wash like soap? Beauty experts say if we routinely wash our faces with lemon tea, then we will effectively make our faces free from zits. This is because lemon tea turns out to be rich in antibacterial properties that can make zits disappear while preventing them from coming back. Not only pimples, blackheads that are often around the nose and cheeks and can cause the face to become rough and look dirty can also be eliminated if we routinely cleanse the face with this natural ingredient.

Free of oily skin
Lemon tea turns out to be a natural ingredient that will be very well used as a natural facial cleanser. Routinely washing your face with lemon tea will make our faces prettier and cleaner. Not only that, some skin problems that make our faces become more dull like oily skin will also be overcome properly. We will also be free from irritating oily skin problems.

Free from black spots
Black spots on the skin of the face certainly will greatly interfere with our facial appearance right? Padalah, to overcome this we will need care products that are not cheap. Fortunately, we can now easily use lemon tea to disguise while reducing black spots on our facial skin.

Is it true that dental pain can be overcome by gargling using salt water?

One disease that can make us frustrated because it causes tremendous pain is toothache. How not, toothache can affect the extraordinary pain in the head, making our minds become chaotic, lazy to consume food, making us easily provoked emotions. Health experts themselves say that there are some of the most common triggers for toothache, from cavities, infections of the teeth and gums, tooth growth, or even teeth that are about to date.

To treat this very annoying problem of toothache, we can easily visit a dentist to get a check-up and prescription of a medication that will solve the problem of toothache. However, many people tend to be afraid of equipment in a dental clinic or are lazy to imagine the high cost of dental health checks. Luckily, we can treat this toothache problem by using natural ingredients like salt water, cloves or clove oil, pepper, and shallots and garlic.

Health experts themselves say if these natural ingredients are indeed quite good in dealing with the problem of toothache. The high nutrient content of these natural ingredients is believed to effectively kill various bacteria that trigger toothache problems so it is expected that even the pain can subside. Indeed, these natural ingredients will not treat toothache completely, however, some natural methods such as if we rinse with salt water are believed to be quite quick to relieve pain given the mineral content that can relieve pain and inflammation in the teeth.

If this pain has begun to subside, it helps us to immediately check our health condition to the doctor so that we can know what exactly is the cause of our toothache. By getting the right treatment or medication, this toothache will certainly no longer appear again.

Various Benefits of Yogurt for Pregnant Women

Every pregnant woman certainly wants to ensure the condition of her fetus stays healthy and experiences maximum development. To be sure, pregnant women certainly need to consume various foods that are rich in nutrition and nutrition. One type of food that is highly recommended by pregnant women, especially those who are undergoing the second trimester of pregnancy, is yogurt. Actually, what is the goodness of yogurt that can be obtained by pregnant women?

Health experts say if in the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women should start increasing the intake of various nutrients that are very good for the health and development of the fetus like calcium to protein. Calcium is very important for the growth of the bones and teeth of the baby so it is good for pregnant women to consume 1,200 mg of this nutrient every day. This number is certainly quite a lot right? Luckily, by regularly consuming yogurt which is widely known for its rich calcium, vitamin D, and protein, pregnant women will be very helpful in fulfilling this daily calcium requirement.

Even though it has reached the second trimester, in reality there are still quite a lot of pregnant women who experience morning sickness. If this happens, then of course there will be a lot of food intake lost due to vomiting. Fortunately, if pregnant women want to start breakfast by consuming a glass of warm milk or yogurt, then the feeling of nausea will soon disappear so that we can better prevent morning sickness.

To get a fresher sensation, pregnant women can add yogurt with several types of fruits like strawberries, grapes, and kiwi. These fruits are believed to be quite effective in reducing nausea. In addition, the very high vitamin content of fruits will certainly be very good for the health of pregnant women, right?

Self-care experts strongly recommend that we consume cold yogurt in the morning because it can increase the appetite of pregnant women. The sour taste of yogurt that is not too strong will also effectively reduce nausea so that pregnant women can consume a variety of nutritious foods.

This Food Can Overcome Late Problems Menstruation

One of the most undesirable women's health problems is the late arrival of the menstrual phase.

How not, although it can provide a sense of discomfort and significant mood changes, in reality the menstrual phase is a natural phase for women to clean up the various dirty blood in their bodies. For this reason, many women are anxious if they are late in the month. To overcome this, women can actually try to consume several types of food that can overcome this problem. What are these foods?

The first food that is highly recommended for women who experience late menstruation problems is papaya. The content in papaya fruit in the form of carotene turns out to make the uterus triggered to contract and can menstruate. In addition, this carotene will stimulate the estrogen hormone in the body of women who can make menstruation more smoothly. Enough to consume papaya juice twice a day or consume it directly, menstruation will not be late again.

The next food that can be consumed by women to launch menstruation is green tea. These herbal drinks can actually make the uterine area warmer and eventually make the uterus contract and overcome late menstruation problems. Enough to consume a cup of warm ginger tea in the morning before eating and do a few days before the menstrual schedule, then the menstrual phase tends to take place safely.

Parsley or often referred to as parsley can also be used to treat menstrual problems. Inside the parsley, there are nutrients apiol and myristin which will stimulate the uterus to contract and ultimately make the monthly menstrual cycle more smooth. Parsley itself can be consumed by boiling the leaves in 150 ml of water and taking it regularly twice a day before the menstrual phase arrives.

Be Careful, Meat Consumption Can Increase Cancer Risk

Meat is one of the foods that are good for the body. High protein content will be very good in providing energy needed by the body.

 In addition to its good content, meat is also often considered a food that has a very good taste and is expensive. Indeed, there are some people who choose not to consume any meat during their lives and become vegetarians, however, meat remains one of the favorite foods for many people. We can find meat from animals like cows, goats, chickens, and several other animals. Meat processing also varies. Some are fried or burned directly, some are used as a mixture of other food ingredients. Unfortunately, behind the popularity of animal foods, there is a threatening health hazard if we eat too much meat.

Did you know, meat consumption can actually increase our body's risk of getting cancer. This increased risk comes from poor cooking methods in which many of us cook meat by burning or frying because the taste will be very delicious. The heat produced by frying or burning meat directly turns out to be able to change the content in the meat like sugar or amino acids into compounds that can cause increased risk of cancer.

A study conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health was carried out in experimental mice by allowing these mice to consume foods that were too overcooked. After some time, the experimental mice had an increased risk of getting tumors and cancer from 31 percent to 80 percent. This increase is certainly very significant right?

Seeing the risk of this, we certainly have to reconsider frequently consuming cooked or burned meat, especially if the meat is cooked too well. Meat is really needed for the body. However, it's good we also balance it with the intake of other proteins that are far healthier and not at risk of giving cancer.

3 Positions of Proven Sex Can Make Women Quick Orgasm

It is not a secret anymore, that women are very difficult to reach orgasm in sexual relations. Unlike a man who is very easy to get the pleasure of making love, women must get really mature stimuli first. So do not be surprised, many sex experts who recommend to do foreplay for 15 minutes before entering the 'final round' in the lovemaking session.

Foreplay is believed to be able to arouse women's sexual desire. With foreplay too, women can achieve orgasm which is difficult to obtain. But you know, it turns out without even foreplay, women can get orgasm and the pleasure of making love. The practice is to manage the right sex position.

According to information collected, there are at least 4 sex positions that are said to be effective in arousing female orgasms. What are these positions? Here are some of them.

1. Standing Position
In this position, a man is a captain who has control over his partner. Yes, standing position is one position that can be said to spoil women. Because, in one session of this position, men are more active in giving pleasure to women. It is also said if the standing position is one of the positions that can make a woman glow because of the sensation of pleasure she feels.

2. Missionary
Maybe this style or position is fairly conventional and used too often. But in fact the missionary position does have extraordinary abilities in arousing female sexual arousal. You can do a missionary session with a number of tempos, which are fast, slow, and pause.

3. Sitting Position
Sex position with sitting is an innovation that you must try. Because, when making a relationship with sitting, Miss V's position will be closer to the man's penis. In addition, sitting position can also increase emotional when having intercourse because the chest and face meet or stare at each other.

Can Bananas Overcome Gastric Acid Problems?

Who doesn't like bananas? It tastes sweet and filling so it is considered suitable to be used as a snack or stomach booster. In fact, there are people who call bananas one of the foods that are suitable for consumption when we experience high stomach acid problems. Actually, can bananas really provide these health benefits?

Benefits of eating bananas
The banana has a acidity or pH of 5.6. This makes him able to overcome the symptoms of stomach acid. Only, health experts advise us not to arbitrarily choose bananas. Choose the ones that are ripe because they can provide these health benefits. In addition, we should not overeat bananas.

In addition to eating bananas, we are advised to change our diet by eating smaller portions with more frequent frequency. We also should not lie down after eating and increase the intake of water every day to prevent attacks from this disease.

The best food to treat the symptoms of high stomach acid
When high gastric acid attacks, health experts advise us not to consume drugs arbitrarily, especially those that are not obtained by doctor's advice because it might have an adverse effect on stomach health. We recommend that we try to overcome this by consuming several types of food first.

Here are foods and fruits that are suitable for dealing with high stomach acid problems besides bananas.

Melons have acidity or pH 6.1. This means, this fruit is very suitable for consumption by people with high stomach acid. It's just that, according to one study, not all people who suffer from stomach acid problems get health benefits after consuming it. It could be that the symptoms will actually get worse.

Watermelons, apples and pears
Watermelon, apples, and pears are highly recommended for consumption by stomach acid sufferers because of their ability to make the digestive tract quieter.

Oatmeal is not only suitable for diet programs or consumed for those who want to reduce cholesterol levels. Foods made from wheat are highly recommended for consumption if you want to overcome the problem of high stomach acid because it can significantly reduce the level of acidity in the stomach.

Green vegetable
Some types of green vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and cucumbers are recommended to be consumed by people with high stomach acid problems because it can help overcome the symptoms of this disease.

Several types of herbs
Some types of herbs such as aloe vera, fennel, or ginger are suitable for consumption to overcome high stomach acid problems. For information, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve stomach acid problems. In addition, aloe vera which can provide a cool and comfortable sensation in digestion will also reduce the production of stomach acid effectively. Meanwhile, fennel has an acidity level of 6.9 which can make the stomach more comfortable while making its function increase.

Foods that are avoided when stomach acid is high
In addition to eating the foods mentioned earlier, health experts also advise us to avoid certain types of foods that can make stomach acid problems get worse like chocolate, coffee, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons, tomatoes, onions, and spicy foods . In addition, we should also begin to reduce fatty foods that can burden the digestive tract's performance and make the symptoms of stomach acid worse.

7 Natural Ways to Make Men Long Lasting in Beds

The pride of a man in matters of a bed is to be able to satisfy his partner. Sex is also done long enough so that many interesting things can be done together. Unfortunately, not as much as men can last long in bed. Often just a few minutes of sudden ejaculation penetration appears.

Experiencing ejaculation quickly is very embarrassing for men. Therefore, men are advised to be better able to take care of themselves. In addition, men can also do some simple and natural things that make them last long.

Standard of male ejaculation
Actually there is no official standard that is treated to determine whether men experience ejaculation disorders or not. We can't fix it. However, from several agreements, men are said to experience premature ejaculation if they emit sweet after just 1-2 minutes of sex.

With this standard men who have ejaculated after having sex for 5 minutes have not been said to experience premature ejaculation. Men with this disorder usually feel uncomfortable and scared causing dissatisfied couples.

Some men who feel afraid of this condition often consume certain drugs. There are also those who use a tool such as a tissue with sensitivity-reducing fluids so that ejaculation can be prevented. Unfortunately the device or drug is quite risky due to interference.

Natural ways to make men last long in bed
Here are some natural ways to extend the time of ejaculation in men when having intercourse with their partners.

Eating foods with amino acids and zinc
Eating foods containing amino acids and zinc turned out to be good for treating premature ejaculation. Zinc can increase testosterone levels in the body. As we all know, this sex hormone can increase libido from men so that their sexual ability on the bed will increase.

Furthermore, some amino acids are known as strong natural drugs in men. By eating meat, oysters, and certain types of seeds and nuts, you can promote blood circulation in the penis. Erection can be maximal so that men can enjoy it to the fullest. Two of the above if combined can also lengthen ejaculation in men.

Trying to have an ideal body weight
This man is always indifferent to the condition of his own body. As long as they don't get sick they will feel healthy. Even though paying attention to body conditions including weight is very important. Men with ideal body weight tend to have a long ejaculation time when making love with their partners compared to those who are obese.

If you feel obese, it's good to immediately lose weight quickly. Weight loss will make the erection stronger, libido rises, and the chance of premature ejaculation is getting smaller.

Train the pelvic muscles with kegel
Premature ejaculation is often caused by disruption of the pelvic muscles. This disorder causes men to be difficult to resist the stimulation given. As a result, the defense broke down quickly. Well, if you feel experiencing this, try doing kegel exercises.

This exercise is done like when holding urine. Do it for several sessions every day so that the muscles become stronger over time.

Exercise regularly
Obesity that occurs in men causes a decrease in ejaculation time. Therefore routine exercise must be done well every day. The type of exercise that is suitable for men who are obese is lifting weights. With this exercise they can reduce fat quickly and smooth blood flow perfectly.

Try for relaxation
Ejaculation problems are not only caused by physical disorders. More than that, disturbances in the mind can also trigger the rapid release of semen even though it's still only a few minutes. Therefore, try to relax and not worry too much about your body and genitals.

A sense of worry or fear of excess will reduce performance. That's why men who do the first night with their partners often ejaculate quickly. This happens because they are less relaxed. Excessive fear destroys everything. Therefore, do everything more relaxed.

Masturbate before making love
If you want to get a long time before passing sex with your partner, it's good to masturbate. Yes, masturbating about 1-2 hours before sex can lengthen the time of ejaculation until the man finally gets his orgasm.

Oh yes, masturbation can also be done to train the muscles in the pelvis. This exercise is very similar to kegel. Sex in this way will produce little semen. Therefore, you who are intending to have a baby will have to get it.

Circumcision or using a condom
As we all know, one of the causes of premature ejaculation in men is the sensitivity of the penis that is too high. As a result, men become easily ejaculated and have difficulty holding intense stimulation received. This condition is often experienced in men who are not circumcised. Therefore, circumcision is highly recommended for men who often experience this disorder.

If men don't want to do circumcision, there are other programs that can be done. The method is to use a condom. By using a condom, the sensitivity of the penis will decrease. Initially sensitive head of the penis can be minimized.

Those are some natural ways to make men last long in bed. Well, if you feel you have this disorder during sex, it's good to apply some of the tips above. It doesn't hurt to make your sex life run better, right?

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