Tragic Fate of Prostitutes in the Japanese Period

Jugun Ianfu was an entertainer who accompanied the Japanese army during the war period. As the name implies, since the years 1942-1945 or the Asia Pacific War period they were required to meet the biological needs of Japanese military troops in a rough, inhumane, and in large numbers. The Ianfu Jugun actually understood that they had resisted the signs of normality or Eastern culture, but the Japanese army's deception, threats, and terror succeeded in conquering them, so there was no other choice but to become the Ianfu Jugun.

The Beginning of the existence of Ianfu Jugun
The first official Ianjo Jugun Ianfu was first established in 1932 in Shanghai. The establishment was motivated by the spread of rape cases committed by the Japanese army during the Japan-China War. The brutal rape caused venereal disease to spread among Japanese soldiers.

Jugun Ianfu was an entertainer who accompanied the Japanese army during the war period. As the name implies, since the years 1942-1945 or the Asia Pacific War period they were required to meet the biological needs of Japanese military troops in a rough, inhumane, and in large numbers. The Ianfu Jugun actually understood that they had resisted the signs of normality or Eastern culture, but the Japanese army's deception, threats, and terror succeeded in conquering them, so there was no other choice but to become the Ianfu Jugun.

The Beginning of the existence of Ianfu Jugun
The first official Ianjo Jugun Ianfu was first established in 1932 in Shanghai. The establishment was motivated by the spread of rape cases committed by the Japanese army during the Japan-China War. The brutal rape caused venereal disease to spread among Japanese soldiers.

This certainly weakened the strength of the Japanese imperial army. Therefore the idea emerged to recruit local women, select health and include them in Ianjo-Ianjo as Japanese military brothels.

At the beginning of the formation of the Ianfu Jugun system, the Japanese government hoped that with appropriate entertainment for the soldiers it could improve morale and performance and avoid the venereal disease of its troops.

To support the plan, places of entertainment / Ianjo were built for the army in the front line. It was at Ianjo-Ianjo that the Ianfu Jugun were placed to satisfy the desires of the Japanese army. The Ianfu Jugun System is organized in a well planned manner.

At the beginning of the Asia Pacific War, the Japanese government recruited Jugun Ianfu on a massive scale through the conventional method of posting advertisements offering jobs as prostitutes. These advertisements appeared in newspapers published in Japan and Japanese colonies, such as in Korea, Manchukuo, and the Chinese plains.

The response to the advertisement was initially quite good. Many women voluntarily register themselves and there are women who are sold by their own families for economic reasons.

Even so, many women are tricked or tricked into joining military brothels. Even the Japanese forced Hui Muslim girls in China to serve them as sex slaves by establishing a "Huimin Girl" school and enrolling Hui daughters to school to serve as Jugun Ianfu.

Everyday life of the Ianfu Jugun

Health problems are something that cannot be avoided from this kind of work. Therefore, soldiers are recommended to use safety devices or condoms, but not a few of them use condoms that have been dirty, even many who do not want to use these objects.

Condoms provided at entertainment venues are the responsibility of the Army Finance Department and Logistics Headquarters. They are responsible for sending condoms to areas occupied by the Japanese army and also ensuring that condoms are ready for use. In 1942, for example, accounting for 32.1 million condoms had been sent to various units outside Japan.

In Japanese military entertainment venues, women's reproductive rights are greatly ignored. Although contracting venereal disease is something bad for these women, there is something even worse that is pregnancy.

To prevent cases of pregnancy, women are generally given a kind of herb from plants to prevent pregnancy. When they are already pregnant they are forced to abort their fetuses by using pills.

But there are also places of entertainment that allow the Ianfu Jugun to give birth with certain conditions, but after that they must return to serve the soldiers. In addition to drugs, there are also places of entertainment that sterilize Jugun Ianfu so that they can no longer menstruate.

As the Japanese army expanded its power, the need for entertainment for Japanese troops also increased, in other words voluntary-based prostitution became insufficient. In remote areas that need employment, good paid jobs are attractive in order to meet their needs.

However, when these tactics cannot run smoothly to recruit Jugun Ianfu, direct recruitment becomes a solution. This direct recruitment is a recruitment carried out directly by the police or the local government, which usually uses violence against the women they recruit.

They went to the houses of the people, then kidnapped their daughters to become Jugun Ianfu. In the end, women were conditioned to become sex slaves under the very binding National Mobilization General Law.

Being Jugun Ianfu who was forced to suffer all day long. There are necessities of life for the Ianfu Jugun, Japanese attitudes can be distinguished in two periods, namely the initial period of occupation, which is characterized by abundance, where the needs for the Ianfu Jugun are fulfilled, such as nutritious food, medicines, to bathing facilities, and difficult periods, around 1943, which was marked by a decline in food supplies and tight rationing.

As for the entertainment of the Ianfu jugun, the brothel manager does not provide special facilities except in Telawang in the form of a ticket to watch the play. Near the brothel there is also a restaurant which is sometimes invited by his guest Jugun Ianfu to eat and drink in the restaurant

One interesting practice of Japanese brothels is the name change system, from local names to Japanese names. Everyone who is recruited by Japan will immediately be given a Japanese name and must not forget to use it.

The Ianfu Jugun do not know exactly why there was a change of name. They themselves did not dare to question the change of name. But they suspected that the change was intended to have a special effect on the Japanese who entered the brothel, because they also called the name Jugun Ianfu using the Japanese name.

Jugun Ianfu in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the practice of Ianug Jugun began to take place since the arrival of Japanese troops. Ianjo - Ianjo was established in important cities in Java such as Batavia, Bandung, Ambarawa, Muntilan and Semarang. Not only local women were made as Jugun Ianfu, but Dutch women also did not escape the recruitment process.

Women who do not want to serve the passions of the Japanese Army are threatened with torture and their families will be killed. They were often beaten, kicked and raped the first night. Some of these women were raped by army leaders and also by some brothel managers. One medical officer, who carried out regular health checks on these women, also raped them.

According to testimony, a woman attempted suicide by taking a large dose of quinine, but failed. He was then sent to a mental hospital. Another woman also tried to kill herself by cutting off her veins, but to no avail. Some women tried to escape the brothel, but they were immediately arrested and brought back. A girl was unconscious for two days because she was shocked because she was raped. Some get pregnant and have an abortion.

Entertainers have added to the long list of violent practices during the Japanese occupation. The inhumane treatment they received caused tremendous trauma at that time. Not only that, they must also endure psychological inheritance even after half a century later.

Unveiling the practice of Ianfu jugun
In 1992, for the first time Kim Hak Soon the South Korean victim opened her voice to the Japanese military atrocities against her to the public. After that the issue of Jugun Ianfu was revealed and one by one the victims from various countries spoke up.

Then in 2000 the Tokyo Tribunal was held to hold Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese military accountable for the practice of sexual slavery during the Asia Pacific war. In 2001 a final decision was issued at The Haque Tribunal.

After that international pressure on the Japanese government continued. In October 2007 the United States Congress passed a non-binding resolution that pressured the Japanese government to fulfill political responsibility on this issue. Even so, the Japanese government has yet to recognize what has been done to hundreds of thousands of women in Asia during the Asia Pacific war.

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