Japanese Geisha History

Who does not know or at least has heard of beautiful Japanese ladies wrapped in this kimono. The existence of Japanese Geisha is identical with 'entertainers' and some even assume that they are some kind of commercial sex workers.

Japanese geisha in their own country is something taboo to talk about, even though everyone in the world knows about GEISHA's existence.

Why taboo? Because understanding Geisha likes to be misunderstood by some people. That, yes it was, Japanese Geisha is always with a negative connotation.

But clearly, Geisha is interesting to discuss. Behind the graceful movements, indeed stored side of the mystery that invites a desire to be explored, both the side of the story of its existence and matters relating to the charm of sensuality.

History of Japanese Geisha
The history of geisha starts from the beginning of the Tokugawa government, where Japan entered a period of peace and was not so preoccupied with the problems of war. Indeed, Geisha was identical as a comfort woman at that time. However, they are required to have special expertise.

A prospective Japanese geisha must undergo rigorous arts training at an early age. Practicing Shamizen's stringed instrument that made the prospective geisha have to soak her finger in ice water. Practicing other musical instruments is also like a small harbor to Taiko.

Not only that, Gisha also has to practice dance which is the key to the success of a geisha, because the top geisha are generally dancers. The Noh Mask Dance which is often played by geisha is presented to the upper classes of society. The segment is different from the Kabuki shows which are preferred by commoners.

What Is Japanese Geisha
Geisha (Japanese: 芸 seniman "artist") are traditional Japanese entertainers. The word Geiko is used in Kyoto to refer to that individual.

Geisha were very common in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they still exist today, although they are not large in number.

In Kansai, the terms "geiko" (芸 妓) and budding geisha "maiko" (舞 妓) have been used since the Meiji Restoration. The term "maiko" is only used in the Kyoto district. The pronunciation ˈgi ʃa ("gei-" - "key") or "geisha girl" commonly used during the US occupation in Japan, contains the connotation of prostitution.

In the People's Republic of China, the word used is "yi ji," whose pronunciation is similar to "ji" in Mandarin which means prostitution. Geisha learn many art forms in their lives, not only to entertain customers but also for their lives.

Geisha houses ("Okiya") bring girls who are mostly from poor families and then train them. During childhood, geisha often worked as helpers, then as beginner geisha (maiko) during the training period.

The point is that Geisha are not comfort women, CSWs, or Escort ladies who can be taken to sleep by the adam, but that they were originally there because of career demands and the times that women can also be entertainers.

After 100 years since the Geisha existed, the uncertainty regarding the existence of the Geisha itself began to shift little by little. In Japan there were many adam at that time (husbands) who were dissatisfied with their household, because of the greatness of Geisha who could entertain, dance, make jokes and sing it was no wonder many husbands / men who wanted to find a Geisha as their life partner. And this is one example of the shift of Geisha, which had been a true entertainer hunted by the adam, which is only an escape from his reality.

Japanese Geisha Apparel / Clothing
In 1930, a Geisha appeared like a supermodel, beautiful, elegant, having a sexy body and still respecting ancient Japanese customs. And unique, Geisha woman is very close to the genitals that can invite the lust of the adam. This can be seen from the clothes of the geisha (kimono). And what opens is only the back of the neck in the form of V. The longer the V shape downward means that the Geisha is more provocative.

Did you know? Wearing Kimono is not as easy as we imagine. It turns out that the kimono shirt has 12 layers. And it must suit each suit !! At least, it takes more than 1 hour to wear Kimono perfectly.

And after the kimono is used the woman must adjust her movements. To determine the Young Geisha and Senior Geisha, just look at the color of the collar. If the collar is Red, it means Young Geisha, and if the white collar means Senior Geisha.

Problem Hair, Geisha sometimes wear wigs or hair in the form of waxing to make it more fluffy. and what needs to be avoided is too often washing hair or combing his hair which can result in hair loss or curls cannot expand. And in this case, they wash only twice a month.

A skill that must be possessed by a Japanese Geisha
Traditional dancing ability
Singing Ability
Communication skills
Joking ability
The secrecy that a Japanese Geisha should not do when he is entertaining and they must be good at keeping that a secret:

You can't look sad, let alone cry
May not accept and give love
You can't choose love
It must not be seen emotional let alone violent
Why? Because what is forbidden is a sacred thing given by God to humans, namely LOVE.

So, Geisha is not a prostitute. They are true art workers, preserving their culture, entertaining and making others happy. But if you see what is sacrificed for a Geisha to be able to entertain it is really ironic and unbalanced.

In the long history of Geisha, there are a number of facts about them. Perhaps, some have watched the film 'MEMOIRS OF GEISHA' a story about the life journey of an orphaned woman who was separated from her siblings, and finally educated to become a famous Geisha. Here are the facts:

Honko / Geisha
First we must know, in fact the geisha profession is not always acted by Japanese women. And it is true that even Japanese men choose to become geisha as their profession. Men who become geisha are called Honko, they also do as geisha do, dance, discuss, sing and accompany their guests in restaurants, bars and tea houses. And based on the record that the first geisha, was a man.

Japanese Geisha Artists
The true meaning of the geisha itself is an artist, artist or artist. But many people of the world who consider the geisha profession is no different from prostitution (PSK). If we search for it in the Google search engine, we will find an understanding that states that geisha are Japanese women who are trained to entertain men by talking, dancing and singing.

Even long ago, geisha were forced to perform a ceremony called mizuage. A ceremony welcomes the arrival of adulthood for a woman. During the ceremony the maikos (geisha who are still in education) are sold to the highest bidder to release their girlhood. However the ceremony is considered sacred and the maiko are still respected.

Japanese Geisha Without Identity (Anonimus)
We may know about the features and stories about Geisha. But they were deliberately created as a mysterious woman. To be a geisha is to be an unknown person, and this is conveyed in his education session. The geisha are required to hide everything that refers to their identity, such as names, home addresses and so on. Even though the guest was truly an honorable man.

Japanese Gisha Aurat
A geisha who is serving guests by making tea drinks will attract her kimono, so that the beauty of the skin on her arms can be seen by the man who is her guest. The behavior is a symbol of sensuality or temptation that will be enjoyed by his guests, and it is indeed required.

The Japanese Geisha Stigma
Like everything about geisha is a negative thing, even though there are many things that cannot be imagined from a geisha, especially in the cultural perspective. Their existence and attitude are very exclusive, so it's no wonder people will say anything beyond the truth. Even with the modern version of geisha, the concept is far from the actual teachings of geisha, changing all the noble values ​​of geisha as performers of art.

Specially Designed Japanese Geisha Kimono
Because geisha is a person who has various skills, even for kimono they make it themselves. Even though many kimonos are sold in clothing stores, of course they are machine-made, but they always sew it themselves with fabrics made of silk. They won't replace the kimono, as long as they are geisha. In addition to makeup, they spend two hours to make their faces and appearance beautiful and attractive.

Okiya Japanese Geisha
The geisha work in a place called Okiya, and are scouted by an okasan (hostess). But even though they work hard to accompany guests and even look after and take care of their clients' homes, their wages go into the pocket of an okasan pocket. The money will be saved and used to care for the houses of the geisha (okiya) and maintain the continuity of the business.

Maiko and Hangyoku (young geisha)
Maiko is a term for a young geisha or girl who is undergoing education to become a Japanese geisha in Kyoto City. But in Tokyo this young woman is known as Hangyoku. To distinguish both of them, the Hangyoku wears a longer kimono with varied motifs so it looks more fashionable. While the Maiko are the opposite, they wear the same kimono with each other, even without the motives in their fabric though.

Japanese Geisha May Not Build A Bond Of Love
To say their name and place of origin, geisha are not allowed, let alone have an affair with a man. They are only allowed to have an affair and get married when they no longer work as geisha, or retire.

Toxins in Japanese Geisha's Makeup
Tragically, they apply makeup to make it look white with lead powder. The dangerous cosmetics element was only discovered when a study was conducted in the Meiji era.

Those are 10 Facts about Geisha. Behind its mysteriousness, behind its graceful movements, behind its tightly closed makeup and kimono clothes, there is also its appeal. Geisha are indeed able to give charm even to the world.

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